Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Easy Pregnancy Exercises

Just because you’re pregnant does not mean that you can’t stay in shape and move around. There are some very fun and easy exercises that you can try at home. If you want to enjoy your pregnancy you need to make sure that you’re taking care of yourself and your baby, exercise is one way to do this. 

Whether you’re looking for something basic or something exciting you will find that there are tons of things you can do. As you are pregnant it is important that you do exercises in moderation so as not to harm yourself or the baby.

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Swimming can be a lot of fun when you’re pregnant. It allows for free movement with support to your weight, helps your joints, and can tone your body. Swimming is a great pastime and it is also quite relaxing. No one is requiring you to do 20 laps around the pool, but instead just get in and move. You can do back strokes, tread water, or just prance around in the water and get a great workout from it. It is important that you don’t overdo it with swimming as all exercising while pregnant should be done in moderation.

Take a Walk

One of the easiest exercises to complete is walking. Not only is it the easiest, but it is the cheapest as it requires no equipment. This exercise is great for boosting energy. Be sure to start slow and don’t try to walk for miles. Even a daily walk around the block could do wonders for your health and fitness goals while pregnant. When walking, also be sure to take along plenty of water so that you don’t overheat.


More and more moms to be are taking up prenatal yoga classes for exercise and a bit of socializing. Prenatal yoga classes are specifically designed for expectant mothers and are generally very easy to do. The classes are beneficial in that they will improve your flexibility and keep your joints limber which is all good for delivery. Moms who have taken this class have also noticed an improvement in their muscles and circulation throughout the body.

Knowing When to Stop

While exercising is great for you and the baby it is important that you know when your body has had enough. Signs that you need to stop exercising and seek medical attention might be: vaginal bleeding, fluids leaking, chest pains, difficulty breathing, headaches, vomiting, dizziness, and feeling of overheating, abdominal pains, impaired vision, and decreased fetal movement.

Before trying any of these exercise routines it is important that you talk with your doctor or midwife. You want to make sure that what you’re doing is OK and not too much for you or the baby. Once you are given the go ahead take your time and begin getting active. While you may not appreciate all the moving around while you’re pregnant, once it’s time to deliver your baby, you will most certainly benefit from the exercise. Studies have shown that women who are more active during their pregnancies have a faster time in the delivery room. Pace yourself accordingly, enlist a few other pregnant friends, and have fun. 

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Photo by Chris Simons

Monday, August 26, 2013

Tips for a Healthy Natural Pregnancy

Pregnant?  Congratulations.  Now that you're pregnant it's time to take great care of yourself both physically and mentally. Caring for yourself is how you care for your unborn child while he or she is in your womb. Providing baby with the right care, nutrition, and rest is very important.

If your goal is to have a natural birth,  start planning a healthy pregnancy so that there are little to no problems with delivering your baby this way. This is a mini guide on the things you must do in order to maintain a healthy pregnancy.

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Prenatal Care

Prenatal care is a good idea for you and your baby. Call your doctor or midwife after you get a positive pregnancy test so you can plan an appointment. During your initial visit you're asked lots of questions as your doctor or midwife gets to know you. They also want to ensure that you don’t have preexisting conditions that needs extra monitoring. Your doctor or midwife may also recommend prenatal vitamins and outline the importance of pregnancy nutrition.

If you do not have a regular doctor, now is a good a time as any to begin searching for one.  Or you may like the idea of longer appointments and a closer relationship that's likely if you use a midwife.  Feel free to interview  your potential care provider - you can even set up an appointment just for an interview (this helps prevent you from feeling intimidated during a medical appointment, or "committed" to using a care provider you find you don't really connect with).


Many people confuse the term “eating for two” to mean that you can eat as much as you want of whatever you want and still have a healthy and natural pregnancy. This isn't exactly true.

Make sure that you watch what you eat - your baby needs the nutrients from your foods to develop properly. Eat protein, healthy fats, vegetables, and salt your food to taste.  Drink plenty of water.  High quality animal proteins give your baby the most nutrition because these foods are also rich in vitamins and minerals.

Avoid junk foods, but do eat enough for your baby.  A good pregnancy diet builds up as your blood supply builds (you'll have double the amount of your normal blood volume by 28 weeks) - by around 20 weeks you want to be eating around 80g of protein daily, and around 2700 kcal - round out your protein with vegetables, fruits in moderation, and always salt to taste.

Need more detailed info about diet and nutrition?  Enter your details below to get my free mini-childbirth course - I cover nutrition extensively:


Just because you’re pregnant doesn't mean that you have to sit around and gain tons of weight. Getting in some good exercise each day is a great way to build your strength and endurance which is needed to support the extra weight you’ll gain. Exercise is also very good for easing pains and improving circulation to the legs. The bonus to exercising while pregnant is that many women find they have a much better time during natural labor.

Walking is ideal - shoot for building up to 4-5 miles a day (you can break it up into 2-3 sessions).  This helps get your pelvis ready for birthing and gets your baby lined up.

Prenatal  yoga, belly dance, and resistance training are other good options - make sure you do a routine approved for pregnancy and listen to your body.


As you get further along in your pregnancy you'll probably feel tired. Pay attention to signs that you need to rest and take it easy. Taking naps during the day and small breaks will increase your energy and allow your body to rest. If you are having trouble sleeping you can always try breathing techniques, yoga, stretching, and even a nice massage from your partner to get you to sleep.

These four tips are important if you are going to have a healthy and natural pregnancy. Prenatal care, nutrition, exercise, and sleep are all needed to heal your body and develop your baby’s body.

Photo by Ben Klocek